Detergent Manufacturers Don't Want You to Know this Secret
Laundry Expert Reveals the Secret that Detergent Manufacturers Don't Want You to Know About

Discover the secret behind why your laundry is so dirty and stinky and how you can fix it for good!

Your laundry stinks. Take a deep whiff of your towels. You know it’s true. Behind a mask of heavy fragrances and fabric softeners is a lingering stench that just doesn’t go away, even after a good washing.

Do you know what that underlying odor is caused by? Mold, Mildew, Fungus', Bacteria, and Viruses are living and dying in your clothing, leaving behind a smelly wet dog odor. But I wash my clothes using a high quality detergent, you think to yourself? Why do my clothes still smell this way?

Watch this video to learn more about how your laundry got so dirty, and the secret that detergent manufacturers don’t want you to know about
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In This Video You Will Learn

How To Keep Your Laundry Clean
Modern Detergents and washing machines need to be set up properly to remove viruses, bacteria, and fungus .
Why Your Laundry is so Dirty and Smelly 
Sick of sticky socks and wet dog towels? Learn about why your clothes smell so bad and how you can fix this.
Why Your Washers Don't Work Anymore
There is a reason your washers don't work, learn about how our washers have been changed so they don't clean as well anymore.
How You Can Fix All of This
Learn how making one simple change to your laundering routines can get you miraculously clean clothes!
You have laundry detergent that scrubs your clothes but stays stuck in the fabric, locking in and attracting even more dirt and oil. Your high efficiency washing machine uses very little water so the clothing ends up sloshing around in its own filth for an hour before being vaguely spun out, leaving all the existing muck and sticky detergent film in your clothes.

After a washing, your clothing is as internally dirty as before - but even worse, because it has enjoyed a tepid water bath ideal for spawning even more mold, mildew, fungus, bacteria, and viruses. At worst, your clothing may be a source of filth despite your every effort.
Your laundry doesn’t have to be this way, there are simple and inexpensive ways to fix this; and no, it’s not what you’re thinking. It’s not baking soda, borax, salt, lemon juice, vinegar or any of those pathetic “laundry hacks” you’ve been sold before.

There is a secret to why your detergents don’t work anymore and making some simple changes to your laundry routine can remove the stink, finally and forever.

Making these changes to your laundry routine will result in laundry so clean it’s nothing short of mind-boggling! Everything comes out clean; not only clean but also smelling fantastic. No more wet dog! No more stinky socks!

By purchasing access to our Household Renaissance Academy, you will be provided in-depth instructional materials that will break down how to do this for yourself. Click the button below to purchase instant access to our Household Renaissance Academy and learn this laundry-transforming knowledge.

Buy today and get bonus cleaning tips for sparkling clean dishes and truly clean carpets!

Not only will it save you loads of money in the long run, but it means no more wet dog towels and stinking socks; finally you can have beautifully clean and fresh smelling laundry too.

Making this change is simple and inexpensive. You can forget all the bleaches, sprays, additives, boosters, peroxides, fragrance beads and everything else. Throw them all away and you’ll never look back. Poop, mud, blood, vomit or whatever, are no match for the super cleaning power you’ll have and all your clothes will be left miraculously clean.

This knowledge is the culmination of years of experimenting and damaging clothing, buying thousands of dollars of cleaning products and additives so you don’t have to. Save yourself years of trial and error and a lifetime to dirty clothes, and fast-track yourself to pristinely clean laundry today.

Just read some of these reviews: 
Nothing else compares! You can know the secrets to truly clean laundry by purchasing access to our Household Renaissance Academy. Learn how you can get miraculously clean laundry in your home.

By buying today, you will also get free cleaning tips for getting sparkling clean dishes and truly clean carpets

Buy today and get bonus cleaning tips for sparkling clean dishes and truly clean carpets!

Scientific References:

“Yes, clothes and towels can spread germs.”
United Kingdom National Health Service

“The overall conclusion from the 2011 and 2013 IFH reports is that that clothing, household linens etc. are risk factors for transmission of potentially harmful microbes in the family home“
International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene: Effectiveness of laundering processes used in domestic (home) settings October 2013

“Detergent washing produced only limited reductions in microbial contamination and cloths then stored at room temperature for 24 h showed increases in contamination due to multiplication of residual survivors.”
Investigations of the Effectiveness of Detergent Washing, Drying and Chemical Disinfection on Contamination of Cleaning Cloths

“Contaminated fabrics may pose a potential health risk by carrying pathogens from a variety of sources at home . . . in more than fifteen case studies and observational reports clothing items or linen were likely to be the source of infection.”
Laundry Hygiene-How to Get More Than Clean

“It was also demonstrated that viruses are readily transferred from contaminated cloths to uncontaminated clothes . . . Laundering practices in common use in the United States do not eliminate enteric and respiratory viruses from clothes”
Enteric Virus Survival During Household Laundering and Impact of Disinfection With Sodium Hypochlorite

“After one wash, 65% of terry cloth towels and 60% denim fabric squares were [virus] culture-positive”
Decontamination of Laundry Exposed to Microsporum Canis Hairs and Spores

“Clostridium difficile spores are able to survive laundering through a commercial washer extractor and may be contributing to sporadic outbreaks of CDI (Clostridium difficile infection).”
From Ward to Washer: The Survival of Clostridium Difficile Spores on Hospital Bed Sheets Through a Commercial UK NHS Healthcare Laundry Process

"Sterile fabrics of each type laundered with similar fabrics which contained virus often became contaminated by the virus during the laundering process."
Quantitative Studies on Fabrics as Disseminators of Viruses. V. Effect of Laundering on Poliovirus-Contaminated Fabrics

"Overall, the results in this study consistently demonstrate that reducing the laundry temperature is associated with a significant decrease in hygiene effectiveness against both bacteria and fungi."
Impact of Wash Cycle Time, Temperature and Detergent Formulation on the Hygiene Effectiveness of Domestic Laundering

“Low-temperature machine washing produced only partial reductions in viable methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus baumannii counts on swatches and resulted in cross contamination of other swatches in the same wash”
Decontamination of Laundry at Low Temperature With CuWB50, a Novel Copper-Based Biocidal Compound

"Contravening current trends for energy saving and environmental protection, laundering at low temperatures is not effective in eradicating fungal pathogens"
The Effect of Domestic Laundry Processes on Fungal Contamination of Socks

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Household Renaissance is dedicated to restoring old 'tried-and-true' house working methods, techniques, practices, and crafts to inspire a renaissance in American homemaking. Our purpose is to create a revival in American households to improve quality of life bringing greater joy to your home.
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